
Islam is the religion that brings together the believes of all monotheism Prophets starting with Adam and ending with Muhammad. It believes in all the Holy Books of the Abrahamic religions which include, Sahifah, Tawrat, Psalms, Bible, and Quran. Islam means worship of the one true creator, Allah, and obedience to the will of Allah written in the Holy Quran and displayed by the Holy Prophet Muhammad. As the Quran states : “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. (As such), you are the best people, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in ALLAH” (The Holy Qur’an, Surat Al Maidah, 5: 3; see also Surat Al Imran, 3: 110). Being centered on justice, this religion has given women rights that had been denied to them since the beginning of time. These rights were set in such a way though, that not only did they free women of oppression but also protected them. Muslim women in today’s world are seen as oppressed and a symbol of terrorism, but that is only a result of the misinterpretations of Islam and continuity of pre-Islamic customs. The reality is that Islam has given women such rights and position that not even the ever-changing movements of feminism can live up to it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Muslim Women Are Viewed As

Women in Islam have always been a very controversial topic in the Non-Muslim as well as Muslim world. These women, who are covered from head-to-toe and seem to be living with many “limitations” intrigue many. With the liberation of women in today’s world, the confound boundaries that Muslim women live under raises questions. Does Islam oppress women? Many people believe that Islam teaches hate for females. They see Muslim women trapped in veils that completely cover them, not allowed to drive or vote, and serving as housewives. This leads to assumptions of Islam such as, men have more rights then women, its okay to beat wives, and much more [1]. Not only are Muslim women viewed upon as oppressed, their veils have now become a symbol of terrorism. After 911, many women have been ridiculed or tormented for wearing a Hijab (headdress or veil).

1 comment:

  1. (CNN) -- Last year at Christmas time, Rehan Seyam, a Muslim living in New Jersey, went to pick up some things at a local Wal-Mart. Seeing her distinctive traditional Muslim head covering called a "hijab," a man in the store, addressing her directly, sang "The 12 Days of Christmas" using insulting lyrics about terrorism and Osama bin Laden.

    She was stunned.

    "Do I look like a terrorist to you?" Seyam said she asked the man.

    According to Seyam, the man replied, "What else does a terrorist look like?"
