In pre-Islamic times, women were degraded beyond words. Islam brought the revolution that many people accepted and many did not. This led to the misinterpretations that are sadly carried on till present day. Many middle-eastern countries ignore women of their rights, but that does not mean Islam does the same as myths pertain. Women in Islam are said to have the highest position, holding “heaven under their feet”. Today, many women are symbolized as terrorism and oppression because of abiding to the requirement of modest clothing. They are ridiculed, and harassed because of an obligation of Allah. Justice for all is the heart of Islam, and does not lead to any sort of sexism. Of course, misinterpretations exist, but the Muslim women who observe the preceding of the Holy Quran know what true benefit Islam has bestowed upon them.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Modesty and the veil in Islam
The Prophet Muhammad once said, “Every religion has its characteristic, and the characteristic of Islam is modesty.” [7] Being a Muslim Women, one must dress modestly, but that is not a punishment or imprisonment of any sort. It is simply a way for women in Islam to express their femininity without sexual attention. It is a way for her inner beauty to glow without the burden of psychical traits. It is also discouraged for women to cover their body in such a way that it is harmful to them, such as covering of the face, etc. The veil, hijab, or headdress is only one way of being modest that is observed in Muslim women. For example, it is also considered modesty in Islam to keep your distance from the opposite sex. Keeping a distance from the opposite sex has also only been said to protect women from abuse and misuse sexually. Also, it is only a myth that a modest dress code is in check only for women in Islam. Men also have to observe a modest dressing. The Prophet said, ‘Faith consists of more than seventy branches. And haya (modesty) is a part of faith.’” (al-Bukhari). [8] Modesty is instilled into Islam so deeply because it encourages simplicity and values. It also protects one from doing forbidden deeds, such as committing adultery.
The truth..
Islam is a religion that does not put one being over another. The Prophet is reported to have said: “All people are equal, as equal as the teeth of a comb. There is no claim of merit of an Arab over a non-Arab or of a white over a black person or of a male over a female. Only ALLAH-fearing people merit a preference with ALLAH”. [4] Thus, Islam does not leave any space for sexism, even though that is the biggest criticism of the religion itself. It is said many times that women in Islam must follow the orders of men, but that in fact is not true at all. As a Muslim both men and women are only subjected to follow, worship, and abide to Allah. There are many different quotations from the Holy Quran which support this statement. “Allah has got ready forgiveness and tremendous rewards for the Muslim men and women; the believing men and women; the devout men and women; the truthful men and women; the patiently suffering men and women; the humble men and women; the almsgiving men and women; the fasting men and women, the men and women who guard their chastity; and the men and women who are exceedingly mindful of Allah. (Al-Ahzab 33:35)” [4] As stated, Islam rewards and punishes both men and women equally in the eyes of Allah, based on the preceding of only Allah. In Surah Al Nahl (Bees) of the Quran, it is said: “Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, and life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions” (Surah Al Nahl, 16: 97). [5] Women in Islam are also given the right to enter a marriage or exist upon proper reasoning. Both men and women must be willing for a marriage contract to be accepted Islamically, which is why a seega or vows are read in front of an Alim (priest). Thus, no women can be forcefully wed. Divorce has been noted as one of most disliked actions by God, which is why there are many provisions to it such as Idat period (3 month waiting time before divorce is finalized), and reciting of seega (vows of divorce). However, divorce was not forbidden and is power in the hands equally among women and men including the provisions to both. [6] This proves wrong the many who believe that a man can leave a woman as he pleases, and a woman is bound in a marriage until allowed freedom by her spouse. Divorce has also been provided because a woman has the right to leave a man if he is cruel to her in any sense or obligates her from abiding to Allah. In Islam a husband is not the master of his wife, Allah is the divine master of all his subjects. Islam also gives women the right to own property. Any property under a women’s name before marriage remains her own after marriage. Islam also encourages women to work as long as the job does not interfere with her dignity. As said by the Prophet, “The most blessed earning is that which a person gains from his labour”. [6] Women are also subject to inheritance, though a little less then men. This is due to the fact that men in Islam have the obligation of providing to the household, again not meaning that women should not work. It is assumed many times that in Islam a women’s testimony is only half that of a man’s, but this is stated nowhere in the Quran. [6] All that is stated above is the true status of a woman in Islam; Equal to a man.
Pre-Islam History..and After Islam was Bestowed
Before Islam was bestowed upon the people, women were oppressed. Back then, women were seen as sexual substances not humans. The birth of a baby girl was seen as dishonor and shame to the family. These babies were usually buried alive. Forget being forced into marriage, women had no right to decide anything about her own marriage. Once she was married, she had no say in divorce. Any property that may have been under her name was now her husbands and she could not inherit any property from him. [3]
After Islam was accepted by the people of Prophet Muhammad, the rights of women changed altogether. These rights of women were embedded in many parts of the Holy Quran, especially Surah Nisa (Chapter of Women) and were observed by people through the actions of the Holy Prophet. The Quran stated very clearly against the burial of infant girls: “And when the female (infant) buried alive – is questioned, for what crime she was killed.” (81:8-9). The Prophet only had a baby daughter whom he adored. Women gained rights as individual persons:“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily to him will We give a new life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to their actions.” (Quran 16:97, also see 4:124). Women also gained the rights of marriage and divorce. This was shown as the Prophet married a women 15 years older to him.
What Muslim Women Are Viewed As
Women in Islam have always been a very controversial topic in the Non-Muslim as well as Muslim world. These women, who are covered from head-to-toe and seem to be living with many “limitations” intrigue many. With the liberation of women in today’s world, the confound boundaries that Muslim women live under raises questions. Does Islam oppress women? Many people believe that Islam teaches hate for females. They see Muslim women trapped in veils that completely cover them, not allowed to drive or vote, and serving as housewives. This leads to assumptions of Islam such as, men have more rights then women, its okay to beat wives, and much more [1]. Not only are Muslim women viewed upon as oppressed, their veils have now become a symbol of terrorism. After 911, many women have been ridiculed or tormented for wearing a Hijab (headdress or veil).